Join us for Sunday Worship

Church is Where his people are:

We worship together every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for about an hour.  

Our worship includes music, scripture, prayer and a message led by various people.  We sing a wide variety of both traditional and contemporary worship songs and lyrics are projected on the screen for all to participate.  Our worship space is fully accessible, we welcome you to come as your are.



Worship is a conversation between God and his people:

He speaks to us, speaking words of blessing and forgiveness, words of truth and of grace.  And we speak to him with our songs of praise, our prayers, our words of confession and words of thanks.

At the centre of our worship is a message from the Word of God – our chance to stop, listen, and learn more about what Christ has done for us!


We know that God works through the prayers of his people.

Prayer together in conversation with God is a key part of our worship. 

As well, after the service, the prayer corner in the sanctuary is for anyone who would like prayer.  There you are invited to meet with a couple of people who will pray for whatever concern you have. 


We take up a free will offering during our services to cover both our church’s budget expenses and for a designated charitable cause each week.  

We like to consider the offering as worship, as way to give thanks and give back to God for the gifts He has given us. 

Give joyfully as you are able!


After our morning service, we enjoy a time together for refreshments and of course, fellowship! 

This is an informal opportunity for conversation and to meet new people at Bethlehem. 

New Here

Welcome!  We want everyone who comes through our doors to feel like they belong, so please let us know your needs.

We pray that you will be blessed by your time spent with us and will know the presence of Christ in a deeper way.