Next Steps to Connect at Bethlehem

There are many ways for you to connect at Bethlehem!

We have a nursery full of toys and other fun things for children ages 0-3 during every Sunday Worship Service. The nursery always has at least two volunteers to care for the children, and is easily accessible right at the bottom of the stairs by the main entrance.

There are a variety of small groups at Bethlehem. Some spend time studying a book together, other groups let the Sunday Bible reading and message be their topic of discussion, and others get together primarily to pray and share life together. If you are interested in joining a small group, just ask someone at Bethlehem or you can email

An informal time of praise, prayer and thanksgiving on Wednesday evenings at the Church. Members, guests, friends, friends-of-friends, neighbours, even strangers! No matter who you are, we welcome you.

This group takes care of planning the worship services at Bethlehem, both the regular Sunday services and special services that we have throughout the year.

This group oversees the various educational opportunities throughout the year, including Sunday School, special Dessert & Discussion evenings, and anything in between.

This group takes care of the facilities, the church building, and the administration side of the church as an incorporated non-profit.